Electronic Tagging Components

The electronic tag is attached to a tamper proof wristband and issued to each competitor to be worn during the event and only to be removed by Admin personnel when the competitor has decided that they will not take any further part in the event or at the event finish. Any competitor returning to Admin without the tag and wristband still attached to their person will disqualify the competitor and the TEAM.

Electronic tag attached to wristband Tag and wristband attached to competitor.

electronic punch image 1

Wristband should be attached so more than one finger can be placed beneath the band.

The Electronic Control.

electronic punch image 2

It is important to note that the Controls are ALWAYS OFF, so you need to turn it on when you arrive at the Control and are ready to present your Electronic Tag.
By pressing the On/Off Button and HOLDING it ON, led’s will flash alternating red/green, meaning that the Control is ready to read your tag.
You must present the tag by touching the blue face of the Control, when the Control has read your tag the led’s go to SOLID GREEN and it will BEEP.
The BEEP means that your tag now has the time that you presented the tag and the Control has your competitor ID and the time you were there. You now take your finger off the button.

The Electronic Control.

electronic punch image 3

PROCESS for tagging for EACH competitor.

1. When you approach the Control make sure that all your team members are present as all members must tag the Control within 2 minutes, failure to do this will disallow that control from your score.

2. Press ON/Off button and HOLD it ON, WAIT until led’s are flashing red/green, KEEP the BUTTON PRESSED ON.

3. Place tag against the blue Active face of the Control.

4. When the Control has BEEPED remove tag and remove finger from button. Should the BEEP FAIL, repeat process from #2 and check that the led’s are a SOLID GREEN, if they are you have tagged on correctly.

5. Repeat this process for EVERY MEMBER of your team, this will ensure that the Control will be scored for your Team.

6. Should the Control fail; Record the 4-digit number on the top left hand side of the Intention Sheet.

7. On your return to Admin ensure ALL team members tag the FINISH control. Advise Admin of any control failures and produce the 4-digit number to be awarded points for that Control.