• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2013
  • Type: Junior Cadet Challenge

The autumn 12 hour rogaine will be held on Saturday  4 May. The area chosen for the event is about 20 kilometres north of Bindoon between the Bindoon – Moora road and the Great Northern Highway. The area has not been used before and is closer to Perth than the events held in the New Norcia area. The country is quite hilly in the west and it flattens out towards the east. From some of the higher hills there are good views of the Wannamal lakes and the sand plains to the west.  This is farming land so there is not a lot of bush. Expect to be able to move quickly over much of the course. The setters expect the elite teams will collect all the controls or go very close to doing so as the area being used is not very large.

There will be easy access to the Hash House site from a bitumen road.  You can bring your caravan or camper trailer. If you come after dark on Friday night it will not be difficult to find a camping spot. The Hash House is situated in a part of the course where some of the most interesting features can be found. Social teams will be able to pick up a good score in great rogaining country.

The setters have had a great time planning this rogaine. (The vetters have not been set loose on the course at this time). We had one day when it rained most of the day and it was a bit hot and humid on occasions but expect the weather in early May to be beautiful. We hope that as many as possible of the WARA members will come and enjoy the challenge we have set for you. Come and camp on Friday and Saturday nights and enjoy the full rogaine experience.

Why have we called the event the Wannamal Wander? We would like to acknowledge the residents and farmers of the Wannamal district for allowing us to use their land. They have all been agreeable and helpful. We have also been able to camp at the Wannamal rest area where there are toilets, a barbecue and some shelter. The rest area is maintained by the Chittering Shire and the local residents.