The Rivers Run Through It PaddleFoot Rogaine

12 February 2022

Special Rules

  1. Teams may access controls by foot or by human-powered watercraft (i.e. watercraft propelled by paddles or similar: kayaks, skis, Canadian canoes, packrafts) at their choice.  Double kayaks/skis may be used.  SUPs may be used, but are not recommended for more distant controls and may not be used to access “Experienced Paddler” controls.  Powered watercraft of any kind (diesel, petrol or electric motor, sail or other wind-powered) may not be used.  
  2. All team members must use the same means of travel, either foot or watercraft, at the same time, and members must stay within easy spoken communication distance at all times.  
  3. Teams may not exceed the approved carrying capacity of a watercraft (i.e. take two in a craft designed for one, or a team of 5 in a Canadian designed for two).  The organisers reserve the right to inspect watercraft, and any deemed unsuitable for water-based travel may not be permitted to be used at the organisers’ discretion (e.g. leaking kayaks, home-made rafts, etc.).
  4. All members of teams using watercraft must be able to swim 25m unaided.  At crossings where a kayak rescue patrol is available (see 8 below), anyone may use watercraft to facilitate crossings.
  5. When utilizing watercraft, each team member over 14 years old must wear a PFD type 2 (level 50, non-inflatable) while on the water.  Each team member less than 14 years old must wear a PFD type 1 (has neck support).  PFDs must fit.  Footwear of some type must also be worn at all times.  Each watercraft must have a means of bailing in an emergency (hand pump, electric bilge pump, or large plastic scoop).  Normal rogaining equipment (2L water, whistle, first aid kit) must also be carried on both foot and on water.
  6. Teams may switch from foot to watercraft at any time and at any location at their discretion.  Equipment not essential for foot travel (such as watercraft, paddles, PFDs, etc.) may be left at any point on the course but this is at the teams’ own risk.
  7. Foot teams are permitted to wade, but are not permitted to swim across waterbodies.  For water-based crossings, all team members must have access to a watercraft.  Teams are permitted to cool off in the water, but ducking below water is not recommended, and consumption of water from rivers and inlets must be avoided.  Team members will not be disqualified if they fall in from their watercraft accidentally, but inappropriate or dangerous water behaviour will result in disqualification.
  8. At indicated points on the map, teams may opt to cross watercourses using WARA-provided Canadian Canoes and associated equipment.  Each team member must use the provided PFDs, and all team members must stay together during crossings.  Crossing points will have kayak rescue patrols.  Anyone may use crossing points.
  9. Teams using their own kayaks who wish to access the “Experienced Paddler” areas of the course should be able to demonstrate adequate skills to do so, exceeding that of Paddle Australia Basic Skills award and appropriate to distance paddling on rivers and inlets.  Please succinctly describe paddling skill on the notes section so skill level can be assessed and “Experienced Paddler” status awarded as required.  
  10. All safety patrols during the event will be water-based (kayak or motor boat) as marked on the map.  The patrol boat will be marked with the normal “Rogaine” markers.  Teams in distress, including teams on foot, should signal to the water safety team.