12th February 2022, 10am to 5pm


There has been no other WARA event like this before - welcome to a SPLASH-gaine! All teams: family, competitive, social, both foot- and paddle-based, are invited to enjoy our cool inaugural WARA water-focussed rogaine event. Teams will be able to enjoy stunning water scenery, wetland reserves, and historic features in a daytime only event. Most controls will be accessible both by foot and by watercraft, with a scattering of controls that are either foot-only or water only, with some far-flung controls for the fleet-of-foot and experienced paddle-guns. Unusual features include The Isthmus, The Peninsular. The Headland and The Island, and we predict many contour-free navigational challenges for all. Teams* will have complete freedom to choose when to use foot- and water-based travel, mix them as desired, or even portage, adding a cool dimension to rogaine planning. Teams* may bring their own watercraft (any human-powered watercraft such as kayaks, canoes, skis, SUPs, packrafts, rowboats, etc), may borrow a kayak for the event, or may simply use the provided canoes to cross water at strategic marked points on the map. Intrepid foot soldiers can enjoy wetland reserves, intricate navigation around waterfeatures, or the controls among playgrounds, cafes and icecream shops. Maps will be handed out at 8am, start at 10am, for a 7 hour event concluding at 5pm with sausage sizzle. The setting team has no idea how this event can be won (foot only, water only, or a combination?) but are sure that everyone will have fun finding out. :-)


Check out canoe hire at https://wa.rogaine.asn.au/shop/index.php?route=product/search&search=Hire

Finally note that there are some special rules for this special event.

*Teams using watercraft should be composed of members all able to swim 25m, and PFDs and footwear must be used!