• Duration: 4 hour
  • Year: 2009
  • Type: Novelty Event

ConspiratorsMost people would be aware that November is the time of year when Guy Fawkes set out to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Appealing as that may be, it isn't the main aim of this rogaine but we did want to choose an appropriate name for the area and time of year.

Why Gunpowder? The rogaine will be around the historic Fremantle region with its maritime and military background, so you'll find a 'weapons and conflict' theme running through many of the controls. No need to worry about parrot bush, barbed wire fences or angry bulls, though.

Why Treason? Well, it is also sacrilege, but we've had the temerity to depart from the 6 hour format traditionally used at this type of street event (previously known, to those who've been around a long time, as a Metro March). This event will be a 4 hour competition, followed by a barbecue, in order to provide a more socially-oriented occasion (as suggested by our esteemed President).

Why 'Plot'? As well as normal mapped controls with allocated points, there will be bonus points for answering
additional questions at certain controls. You may need to plot, scheme or calculate to gain these extra points, or simply ask the right person. This is aimed at moving the emphasis away from a purely physical competition and towards a need to balance distance against some lateral thinking and/or sleuthing. Some will still feel the urge to compete and 'go for it', of course, but we think you may well get more out of this event by soaking up the surroundings and reading the stories behind some of the interesting places we'll take you to.

Overall, this is intended to be a light-hearted and 'fun' way to end the 2009 season and the barbecue is even included in the event fee! We've found a little-known but very attractive gathering area, so come along and enjoy the company and the venue. And don’t bring a compass - you won’t need it.

This event is open to all - both members and non-members - so bring a friend along and introduce them to the concept of the sport in a friendly, relaxed, and non-physically-challenging manner.

Peter, Kathy, Alan and Moreen