• Duration: 24 hour
  • Type: Australian Champs

You must be a rogainer to read this and you must be thinking, "I wonder how good a rogaine the Western Australians will set? Well, let me tell you that at no expense spared, we have set the rogaine in an idyllic spot just south of Perth. It has been set in lush rolling countryside with little sheep leaping in meadows, butterflies fluttering by from flower to flower, frogs a croaking in the gently babbling brooks and with birds flitting about the trees for such a joyous occasion. You will all want to bring your picnic rugs and baskets to enable you to take your time soaking up the wonderment of such a site. The hills have been carefully lowered so there will be less stress on your dear bodies but we have arranged a token cliff to be left in so all those who wish to go bungy jumping can also have some fun. All the farmers have agreed to lower their fences for the event so that all you who have "Ducks Disease" won't have to stress yourself by lifting your feet too high.

There will be special items performed hourly by the untalented setters and vetters to ensure that you don't get bored. Don't clap - throw money. We will put food and drinks on the course so your blood sugar levels don't drop by any attempt of physical exercise (orders will be taken prior to the start of the rogaine). There will be a great hash house with gourmet food and wine for the quaffing, French maids serving all the men and men in G-strings serving the women. The map will be patrolled regularly by the organisers to pass out footy scores (expect the Bombers), tips on how to get a reasonable score, and to pass on enthusiastic messages of encouragement. Good weather has been ordered, so shorts, T-shirts and thongs will be the midnight dress. Sooks who wear Polatec jackets will be scorned.

Can you imagine no enjoying such a great rogaine?? Get your entries in early so you won't be disappointed when it all fills up. We welcome you all (including Tasmanians with their right head on) to come and enjoy our state.

Entry forms for WARA members will be available earlier than normal - with your May newsletter.

The Legend & Mawson (Jeff Conrades and Vince Harding)