• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2007
  • Type: Junior Cadet Challenge

And now for something completely different, or at least a completely different location. Tired of the Darling Scarp, been to Bannister and Williams before? Seeking a new rogaining adventure in the wilds of WA to refresh you? After all rogaining is all about fun, and new places are apparently fun? The No Pain, No Gain Rogaining Team have been to the edge of the earth to find a new and exciting never before used rogaining area. Pleasingly, its not even close to the edge. You will find the area just south of Busselton - a pleasant and easy three hours drive from central Perth, all on high quality roads and mostly on dual carriage way. For those rogainers coming from Bunbury, an even easier forty-five minute drive south-west will have you pitching your tent at our spacious Hash House site nestled in the woods. Those who like to travel down at night need not worry as real roo country will not start till the last quarter hour of the drive.

Despite the name of this exciting diversion in rogaining we can’t guarantee ‘no pain’ - for everyone - though we have seen nary a blister lurking in the bush, but we are sure  there will be massive ‘gain’ to be had for rogainers of all experience and ambition. There may even be some ocean views. Free from Parrot Bush – no, really it is - the area has lots to offer those rogainers out for a pleasant day’s walk, perhaps with the family, through mixed native forest and pine plantations, no pain at all. Then there is
also ample area for pain - of forests, valleys, creeks, peaks, and wild bears - we have set aside for the more experienced rogainers to gain and test their skills on, ah but maybe I say too much, suffice to say you will experience something, somewhere, completely different….

Brought to you by; Dave Moyses, Mac and Helen McArthur as
setters and Chris Swain and Michael Clemson as vetters.