• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2005

In the local dialect, Munda Biddi translates as “Path through the Forest”, and that is
what we have provided for your rogaining pleasure. Forest we have – real tiger
country – we are seriously thinking of applying for a rule change about the number
of members in a team. We think that for every two serious rogainers you might
require a team of ten porters; four with machetes to carve a path, four to carry the
food supplies that you will need when you get lost, and two spares in case you lose
a porter to the wildlife. There is one area where it is too dangerous for you to go, so
we have marked the Quokka Swamp as out-of-bounds – we don’t want to lose too
many rogainers to those vicious quokkas.

On the other hand, for those of you who enjoy a more relaxed rogaine, we have put
in a few paths. In fact, more than a few paths. There are marked and unmarked
tracks everywhere, and if you chose your route right you will be able to avoid most
of that forest. If you get tired, there is plenty of power around to help you recharge
your batteries.

Located in predominantly State Forest, the map covers an area that includes a
section of the Munda Biddi Trail. If all you do is stick to the trail, you will come home
with a reasonable score. Nestled in the hills just a stones throw from Bunbury
(guess where the setters and vetters live????), this rogaine mixes a bit of
topography with a bit of no-topography, thick bush and open forest, distinct and
indistinct features – something for everyone.

Come and join us for the 2005 Autumn 12 hour rogaine. We look forward to seeing
you there.

Owen, Brian, Lorraine and Dale.