• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2012
  • Type: Junior Cadet Challenge

The autumn rogaine will be held in some unique and scenic woodland about 160 km south east of Perth.  The vegetation is mostly open consisting of a mixture of wandoo, powderbark and mallet plantation and the occasional patch of the dreaded prickly stuff - Dryandra!

Numerous critters abound in the rogaine area, and sharp eyed rogainers may be fortunate to spot numbats, woylies, echidnas and mallee fowl. Cricling wedge tailed eagles are constantly on the lookout for straggling rogainers.

This rogaine is a re-visit of the original Malle Fowl Play rogaine held on 29th April 1995.  The rogaine is set as closely as possible to the original event.  With the new 5 metre contour maps now available instead of the original 10 metre ones, it was tempting to 'slide' some controls to a better spot using the better map detail. You will have to come along to find out if the setters resisted the temptation to slide, or not!

The 2012 Paddy Pallin Junior Cadet Challenge will run concurrently with this event.