• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2013

The IRISH SETTER is famously known as one of the most beautiful dogs, and what with (most of) the setters having Irish heritage (being Kellys) the name “The Irish Setters Rogaine” seemed very appropriate.

The Irish Setter we love can be expected to be happy, funny, loyal, active, sensitive, social, loving, clever and strong-willed... all the qualities we’d choose of our best friend !

The Irish Setters Rogaine is set in the Julimar Forest, a short distance north of Perth.  The Julimar forest comprises of mixed jarrah, wandoo, and eucalypt forest, with black boy flats and extensive creek side thickets.  Some of the tracks (if you can find them) are suitable for the mums, dads and kids, the less agile amongst us, and the geographically challenged.

With our chosen team of Irish setters and vetters (four of us are Hash House Harriers and the rest are yet to join) we have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of setting this rogaine and had a lot of fun in the process.  Although Andy (The Mole) has kept out of trouble this year, Colin (Bushie) hasn’t.

Join us on the Friday evening for a sausage BBQ to find out more, but remember to BYOS!!! (Bring Your Own Sausages)