• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2004
  • Type: Junior Cadet Challenge

(Brrrp brrrp braah - general sounding of trumpets and an impressive drum roll). Hear ye, hear ye, let it be known that after an impressive history and the successful completion of 99 (let me repeat that, 99) previous rogaines, the April 2004 12 hour rogaine will be WARA’s 100th rogaine. (Rah, rah, rah, yay, verily yay, general cheering, footstomping, applause, more trumpet fanfare and acclaim for WARA). Yes, the big One-Oh-Oh, the 100 has rolled around (you can continue with the applause and cheering). For this special event we will be returning to a very special location – Dryandra Forest and nearby farmland. (More general cheering, fanfare and knowledge that there is not as much parrot bush down there. You can calm down now.)

The terrain is a mixture of about 60% bush and 40% farm. The bush is generally very open, with just the occasional prickly bush, and the hills are low and friendly. Dryandra Forest is renowned for its scenic wandoo forest and mallet plantations. Those of you who competed in Murphy’s Mayhem in June 2001 will find the area familiar.

The setters promise something for everyone – lots of controls close to the hash house for new rogainers and some more challenging controls for those who feel the need to wander far. It should be a good mix for everybody and we feel sure that you will get something out of it.
Critters will abound! Dryandra Forest is one of WA’s premier locations for the protection of native species. Wallabies, woylies, possums and roos can be found and if you are keen-sighted you might just spot an echidna or a numbat. Don’t worry about the wedge-tailed eagles circling above your head!

If you feel the need to goof off and put your feet up at the hash house – Brian Dunnage (el supremo hash house leader) will dazzle you with culinary delights. It is amazing what this man can whip up in a remote paddock. Rumours of gaining three stars in the Michelin Guide and a guest appearance on the Iron Chef are only some of the talents of this man's capable team in the food field.

As El Prez, Warren, has written in his waffle – we are keen to dig up as many old rogainers as possible (bring your shovel in your backpack). So please come along if you have not attended an event for a while, and invite your friends! This is not just any old rogaine. As you can see we have gone to no expense to ensure that all stops have been pulled out to make it one worth remembering. Get up off the couch, start filling out the entry form and let's make this the big one for 2004. Rogaines blossom more in WA than anywhere else and this is
the one to demonstrate just what rogaines are all about and as we all know - Rogaining is fun.

So please – join us and all the rest of the rogaine family in celebrating the big one - WARA’s 100th rogaine. See you there! (Go back to the cheering now or better still be there for the cheering on the day.)

Gary Carroll, Andrew Ivey, Di Challen and Warren Smith.