• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2005
  • Type: Upside-Down

The first rogaine of 2005 has something for everyone even if you are not a hardened night-time navigator. There is bush for the more experienced, hilly terrain in some parts for the super fit, and flatter, easy, open farmland for those wanting to have a go at night rogaining but who aren't yet confident enough to go too far into the bush in the dark (or maybe just don't like spiders). And of course we haven’t forgotten our much loved parrot bush and its close cousins. February 26/27 will be a good night to put your skills to the test!

The event site is around an hour and a half on the way from Perth to York, where fortunately we met withsome very friendly and enthusiastic farmers who were happy to have us rogaining on their land. With the site bedded down, we were really excited to get the digital data and start the armchair setting.

Unfortunately, a few good night sleeps later, one of the setters, while navigating to work, was faced with a geographically challenged vehicle suddenly appearing on the road ahead, causing the only four wheel drive vehicle between the setting and vetting team to be written off. The setter received a broken sternum, not conducive to a good night's sleep. The setting and vetting team now had only three able bodies (but WHAT bodies!), with one setter long gone AWOL to work up north, and one no longer up to serious field work and desperately needing to avoid anything like grass and dust that might cause a sneeze.

So why 'The Good Night Rogaine'? Well, 'Avoid the DRAma' was already taken... and because the injured setter should be better and getting good night sleeps again in time for the event (but maybe not be better enough to dig toilet holes!). Besides, how could it be anything but a good night when you're out in the warm, fresh night air, with your pack on, compass and map in hand, doing your favourite thing in the moonlight? We thought you'd agree! So make sure to get your team's entry in and we'll see you all out there for a good night of competition and fun.

So it’s good night from:- Colette, Steve, John and Keith.

On a serious note: naturally for rogainers, farmers and CALM alike, the potential for fire is a serious
concern at this time of year, so as usual, as visitors to the site we rogainers must all take the proper precautions to make sure our presence doesn't increase the risk. Please make sure to read your event directions carefully for more info.