• Duration: 12 hour
  • Year: 2010
  • Type: Junior Cadet Challenge

Come and enjoy the best of rogaining – the Autumn 12 Hour. Perth weather is at its best in autumn. The days are warm and sunny, the nights not too cold and there should have been some April showers to settle the dust on the course. So it’s a great time for a walk in the bush. I also love being able to sit around under the moon and stars on Friday and Saturday nights with friends. We will be organizing a sausage sizzle on Friday evening to which everyone is welcome. The event will be held not too far from Perth in mostly forest country.
The hash house and admin will be on a friendly farmer’s property. Some long term rogainers may remember being here once before. The setters will be putting out plenty of controls to help you get a good score.
You may ask about the name of the event. As you probably realize, rogaines often have quirky names. This event will be the first for many years where Gary Carroll is not involved in any way (no carolling allowed). Gary was to be a co-setter for the event, but then he decided to move to Hobart. You can read about Gary’s contribution to rogaining in WA in the April newsletter. This is our tribute to Gary.