• Duration: 4 hour
  • Year: 2013
  • Type: Novelty Event

It’s that time again - November Nonsense! The time we can rogaine without ticks, barbed wire, torches, wet paddocks or cold nights (What’s that you say, where’s the enjoyment in that ? )  A chance to stroll around the suburbs, stop for coffee, sightseeing, ice cream or even a swim ! Yes, this is when we don't need tongue in cheek to say “Rogaining is Fun !”

This time we’ve chosen the “Sunset Coast” region (from Trigg Island to Hillarys Marina and bounded by the Mitchell Freeway to the East) with a “Bush to Ocean” feel. We can’t offer you the same amount of history and quirkiness we brought you with the Fremantle “Gunpowder Treason and Plot” Rogaine but we think we’ve found some attractive areas to take you through. The terrain isn’t particularly steep but if you do come across a hill there’s likely to be a control on top of it ! (With suitable recompense, of course.) 

To add an element of “whimsy” we’ve given every control a name (as some of the old traditional golf courses used to do). Some names might be an obvious clue others more obscure, possibly with a story behind them. We hope it may give another dimension to have you thinking - “now what do they mean by that”. Some of the names may be a nod to a nearby GeoCache. This activity seems to be getting very popular amongst the rogaining community, so it’s just an acknowledgement of a shared pastime. As it happens, within the mapped area, there are about the same number of geocaches hidden as there are controls placed ! But, of course, as GPS receivers aren’t allowed, that will have to wait for another day !

It should be a rogaine for everyone - plenty of distance for the top guns to stretch their legs and lots of parks, cafes, a little bit of bushland and lots of sea views for a relaxing meander. The Hash House is very central so there are options in every direction.