WARA 2023 AGM Notice


The Western Australian Rogaining Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Department of Sport and Recreation, 246 Vincent Street, Leederville. Parking is available at the venue.


As per previous years, pizzas will be served from 6:15 pm. Please RSVP your attendance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to assist with catering.


1. Welcome and introductions
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation and acceptance of minutes of previous annual general meeting (draft minutes not yet available for review) held 24th February 2022
4. Reports:
4.1 President's report
4.2 Treasurer's report and presentation of audited accounts
5. Voting:
5.1 Appointment of Returning Officer while committee is being elected
5.2 Dismissal of Management Committee
5.3 Election of Management Committee
6. General & other business
6.1 Life member nominations
6.2 General business
6.3 Appointment of the auditor for the next financial year
7. Meeting close

Note 1 – In person or not:
The WARA Constitution allows voting by show of hands, however there is no other requirement to restrict the meeting to be "in person" or "via zoom or similar". The Committee will have a Zoom link available for those that do not want to attend in person – to be issued in due course.

Note 2 - Election of Office Bearers:
At the AGM all positions on the WARA Committee become vacant. New committee members add new ideas and fresh enthusiasm, and are always welcome. If you are willing to contribute some time and effort to your Association, please nominate for a committee position.
Talk to any committee member if you are interested. Send your nomination form at least seven days before the AGM to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
All other positions are open for election, with current position holders automatically nominated. Other members may also nominate for these positions, as long as their nominations are received by the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least seven days before the AGM.

Note 3 - Life Members:
As per item 6.5 the WARA constitutions permits the granting of Honorary Membership for members who have "rendered a conspicuous and distinguished service to the Association".
The Committee will seek counsel to verify the nominees are worthy of the award and a vote (needing 2/3 majority) will be held at an AGM. Nominations need to be received by the Committee with enough time to assess the candidates with proper respect - although this may mean the assessed nomination is put forward at the following AGM. Previous recipients.

Note 4 - General business:
If you wish to raise any additional matters at the AGM please contact the Secretary so your item can be added to the agenda at least seven (7) days before the AGM. Any item not received prior to the meeting may be deferred to the next committee meeting by the President.

Note 5 - Financial information:
Please email the Secretary if you'd like to receive copies of WARA's financial information for 2021 – your details will be recorded and as soon as the audited accounts are ready they will be sent to you.